Since there won’t be a new episode of Smarter Tech this month, I thought I’d send everyone a list of the episodes that got the most traction since the podcast came out over 4.5 years ago.

1) Smarter Tech #044 // Dr. Zach Bush – How EMFs Impact Your Electric Body

I had the immense pleasure of meeting Dr. Zach Bush in 2018 in Vermont and recording this laid back conversation on how EMFs impact the bio-electrical features of our body.

To this day, this is one of the rare interviews where Dr. Bush talks about the dangers of EMFs. He’s a fascinating guy, and just an extremely kind person that I instantly resonated with.

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Listen to the Audio & See Show Notes




2) Smarter Tech #069 // Beth Shirley – How EMFs Deplete Nitric Oxide & What To Do About It

Beth reached out to me years ago and told me that she did not agree with Dr. Martin Pall on the mechanisms behind EMF damage. She also told me that nitric oxide played a big role… I was hooked.

Beth is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to biology and a great teacher, so I was not surprised when this episode became one of the most popular of all time.

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Listen to the Audio & See Show Notes




3) Smarter Tech #068 // Jake Steiner – How Screens Cause Myopia & How To Fix Your Eyes

Myopia is rampant these days, with certain countries with a myopia rate in young people of around…100%. Someone told me about the work of Jake Steiner, who is a self-taught multidisciplinary thinker like me, who claimed that many people in his community were successfully reversing their severe myopia.

To this day I have not successfully reversed mine, but at least it has been stable or slightly improved year after year.

I was surprised at how many people LOVED this episode on a very unconventional topic.

Watch the Video

Listen to the Audio & See Show Notes




Hope you like these episodes. If you do, please leave a comment and let me know! 🙂

Keep learning,



NOTE: This content is based on Nick’s opinion and is provided solely for entertainment purposes. You should do your own research when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or recommendations presented on this podcast. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed health care provider.



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Visit the course website to get more information on this six-week online course, and start protecting yourself and your loved ones.