Big tech is spying on us – and selling our information to corporate interests who do not necessarily have our best interests at heart. The Above Phone helps privacy-conscious people take back that control – while still using the smartphone functionality you like.

Discussed during this episode:

  • How Hakeem started experiencing the health-sapping effects of technology
  • Why should you worry about your privacy? What does big tech do with the information they mine from your smartphone?
  • Hakeem demos his Above Phone – see how it has all the same features you love in your big tech smartphone!
  • Is it complicated to go from a regular smartphone to a privacy-based phone?

Links Mentioned

  • Watch the interview on YouTube here and BitChute here.


NOTE: This content is based on Nick’s opinion and is provided solely for entertainment purposes. You should do your own research when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or recommendations presented on this podcast. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed health care provider.



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