In this episode, Nick goes back to the very basics. In just 10 minutes, he explains the layman version of why the EMFs emitted by your phone, wifi routers or Bluetooth gadgets are anything but safe.
This is the episode/video you’ll want to share with skeptics in your circles.
Discussed during this episode:
- Why the lag between “early warnings” and change in policies is often deadly, and how the same mistake is being made with EMFs
- The science showing that EMFs are a carcinogen to take seriously is piling up
- How industry funding influences EMF studies
- EMFs can not only increase cancer risks, but also impair your fertility
- A few ideas to minimize the risks associated with your phone and other sources of electro-pollution
Links Mentioned:
- NEW! Watch the YouTube version of this interview here!
- The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs
- Do Cell Phones Pose a Health Hazard?
- “Clear Evidence of Cancer” Concludes US National Toxicology Program Expert Panel on Cell Phone Radiation
- Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102)
- 5G: Big promises, unknown risks
- Investigate Europe – Industry funding in EMF studies
- Family Checkup
NOTE: This content is based on Nick’s opinion and is provided solely for entertainment purposes. You should do your own research when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or recommendations presented on this podcast. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed health care provider.

FREE REPORT: Learn The Truth About How 5G Networks Might Impact Your Health
FREE REPORT: Learn The Truth About How 5G Networks Might Impact Your Health
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How can I decide what to do first?
Hey Carolyne,
Generally speaking you’ll want to lower your exposure from your phone, and wifi routers. These two smarter tech episodes will help: (phone) + (wifi)
My book ( is packed with action steps to get started reducing exposure, and Electro-Pollution fix is my latest step-by-step course which helps you apply what you learn in the book:
Hope this helps!
I’m hooked on your podcast.
I’m concerned about something called NextGen TV which is being rolled out in my fiancés town. It looks bad to me. Aside from refusing it, I am curious about if there are any direct mitigation hacks. He watches little tv and keeps router off a lot. Help? Familiar?
Glad you like it!
NextGen TV looks like a TV broadcast – which probably means that it’s going to add more ambient EMFs in cities where it’s rolled out. Not much we can do about that specifically.
It’s unclear to me if the NextGenTV antennas would be receivers and transmitters, or just a receiver. If it’s just a receiver than it merely takes what’s in the air (TV broadcast frequencies) and concentrates it to display it on the TV, just like most satellite dishes do. There would therefore not be an increase in EMFs from the tech. But, there’s a chance that antennas for these types of TVs have Wifi capability or some other antenna inside – I’m not sure.