Things are heating up for cell phone manufacturers. In a world first, a class action lawsuit has been filed against Samsung and Apple over the fact that phones are tested in a way that is not realistic (0mm of separation).
Lawyer Charles O’Brien and expert Pedro Gregorio join Nick to explain the significance of this critical lawsuit.
Discussed during this episode:
- Who started this lawsuit, and where it was filed
- How this lawsuit seeks to invalidate Safety Code 6, the Canadian’s EMF safety guidelines
- Phonegate Alert (in France) was only the beginning – we could see lawsuits like this everywhere in the world in the next few years
- Why Telecom engineers are still in denial when it comes to EMF health effects
Links Mentioned:
- Watch the YouTube version of this interview here!
- Safe EMF Ltd. – donate to help with the class action lawsuit
- You can join the class action lawsuit here (Canadians only)
- Quebec Cell phone consumer collective action Authorized: searchable conclusions excerpted
- You can email Charles O’Brien at [email protected]
- Smarter Tech #71 – Dr. Marc Arazi – The Phonegate Scandal: Your Phone Is NOT Safe
- Chicago Tribune: We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating.
- [Study] Investigation of Microwave Electromagnetic Fields in Open and Shielded Areas and Their Possible Effects on Biological Structure
- Dr. Joel Moskowitz
- Dr. Devra Davis from The Environmental Health Trust
- Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family – By Dr. Devra Davis
- International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)
- [Study] Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits and Engineering Solutions
- [French] Les téléphones d’Apple et de Samsung au banc des accusés
NOTE: This content is based on Nick’s opinion and is provided solely for entertainment purposes. You should do your own research when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or recommendations presented on this podcast. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed health care provider.
This EMF Protection Course helps you and your family to dramatically minimize your exposure without breaking the bank.
Visit the course website to get more information on this six-week online course, and start protecting yourself and your loved ones.
Does that effect me here in Australia
I haven’t seen any data about how phones are tested in Australia, but it’s very likely that the same bogus protocols are being used by industry (testing phones “SAR” with a separation instead of 0 millimeter).
Until proven otherwise it’s likely that the vast majority of phones go over the regulatory limits, all around the world.
Users are being deceived.
And — the worst part — that regulatory limit in it itself is NOT protecting users in the first place…
Salut Nick, Merci pour cet dialogue informatif, entre Charles O’Brien et Pedro Gregario,
In addition to responding to the fake ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) Oligarch Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX in their centralized top-down court, we can create SAFE ZONES among ourselves, where we live & work. Here are some localizing empowering approaches we are taking in a number of communities across Quebec, Canada, USA, Brazil & Kenya.
When I ask people if they’re aware of Electro-magnetic Radiation hazards, very few are & some ask for this kind of compiled research. Of course, if there’s a formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Debate comparing the knowledge of Both-Sides, then I believe, everyone would then read the materials.
Electronic Communications Industry people don’t have this experience in ‘Dialectic’ (‘both-sided’) dialogues as well as having their livelihood bound up on industrial compliance & belief systems, so inevitably decline the scientific process of debate.
Public-Health irresponsibility on the Communications’ Industry part, means that those of us who’ve informed ourselves, should be debating amongst ourselves about ‘best’ strategies. People are intrigued by dialectics because the human sensory, kinetic, neural & cognitive systems are designed bilaterally with 2-sides meant to be able to contrast & compare data from at least 2 different sources.
BOTH-SIDES-NOW is an easy-to-use formal dialogue process.
It is up to those of us who recognize how divided & conquered we are in our ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) fake ‘money’ (‘Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) Oligarch commanded & controlled colonial systems to ‘Become the change, we want to see in the world’ (Mohandas Gandhi) by uniting locally with family, friends, extended-family & particularly the Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village) architecture, where 70% of people live today. Together we can create healthy EMF, Toxin & Hazard-free ‘SAFE-ISLANDS’.
All humanity’s worldwide ‘Indigenous’ (L. ‘Self-generating’) ancestors, cultivated these ~100 (50-150) Person, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale CIRCULAR-ECONOMIES for local sovereignty based in human & biosphere strength.
HUMANITY’S PRIMARY ‘DOMESTIC’ ECONOMIC ENGINE: 20% of Multihome-dwellers today are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome extended-family contribute 2 trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring including cultural-medicine/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America’s largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family & community recognition of each person & entity’s contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen:
A) CATALOGUE complementary individual & business talents, goods, services, resources & dreams intake form.
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Historical Eg. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in Tiohtiake, greater Montreal archipelago
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment.
D) BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues to create understanding, form contractual agreement & Conflict Resolution.