In January, a landmark report on 5G and electro-pollution was presented in New Hampshire, and the conclusions are damning: “Great evidence of harm and failure of industry and government agencies to protect the public.”
In this episode, Nick dives deep with Cece Doucette who tells us all about how this report came to be, and how *some* politicians have overcome their EMF denial and are willing to do something about this glaring environmental issue.
Discussed during this episode:
- How Cece became an advocate for safe technologies, and how she successfully had the first school in the US put up warning signs around wireless gadgets
- The story behind the Commission to Study The Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology and its final report that was presented to legislators in New Hampshire
- Easy ways you can wire your tech gadgets and minimize your exposure to wireless dramatically
- 8 essential questions around EMF safety that led to the creation of the New Hampshire report
- The 15 final recommendations of the NH report: 15 ways we can enjoy safer and smarter tech
Links Mentioned:
- NEW! Watch the YouTube version of this interview here!
- Final Report of the Commission to Study The Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology
- Massachusetts for Safe Technology
- Wireless Education
- Cece’s personal research repository
- MA4SafeTech
- Wireless Education – Home;
- Cece’s business email: [email protected]
- Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
- Fine Print Warnings on Radiation Exposure in Cell Phone and Wireless Device Manuals
- First US Public School District Limits Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure to Students and Staff
- Air force examining possible increased prostate cancer risk pilots
- The Take Back Your Power Story
- Generation Zapped: Home
- Dr Andrew Goldsworthy – The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
- EMF – Medical Conference 2021
- Article on sperm damage and electromagnetic radiation
- Ethernet Adapter on sale on Amazon
- Plugable – Plugable Technologies
- NY Times: The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t
- NTP: Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation
- The IRREGULATORS | An Independent, Expert Telecom Team | Fixing Net Neutrality and Broadband in America
- Patrick Abrami
- Ramazzini Animal Study
- Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD
- – Home
- Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST) – We aim to ensure our government introduces or tightens up existing legislation governing the following areas. Wifi in schools, cell towers, smart meters and electro hypersensitivity.
- Children’s Health Defense • Help Children’s Health Defense and RFK, Jr. end the epidemic of poor health plaguing our children.
- Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies
- Paul Héroux | Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
- About the founder
- Wi-Fi Radiation Induces “Diabetic-Like Status” in Rats
- Dr. Magda Havas, PhD. – Electromagnetic Field News
- Diabetes and Electrosensitivity
- CTIA – Home
- ReInventing Wires 4-28-18 Final1_single pages.indd
- Dr. David Carpenter: Wear the Evidence
- EHT Takes the FCC to Court
- Register for The 5G Summit: Worldwide Call To Action
- Physicians for Safe Technology | Wireless Technology and Public Health
- 5G Crisis: HOME
- 5G Crisis Activist Tool Kit
NOTE: This content is based on Nick’s opinion and is provided solely for entertainment purposes. You should do your own research when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or recommendations presented on this podcast. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed health care provider.

FREE REPORT: Learn The Truth About How 5G Networks Might Impact Your Health
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