Thanks For Being a Guest on

The Smarter Tech Podcast!

Please read the instructions below carefully so we can make this podcast episode the best it can be:

1- Required Materials:

If you haven’t already, please send the follow to [email protected] as soon as you’re able:

  • Short bio
  • High res headshot and / or action shot(s) (Can send us 1-5)
  • Website URL(s) you’d like to share with the audience
  • Your social media link(s) to share with the audience
  • Is there any other way you’d like people to be able to contact you?

2- How to Record Your Own Sound:

Sound quality is the key to a good podcast! To ensure our interview sounds great, we recommend our guests to record their own soundtrack.

Don’t worry, this is a fairly straightforward process even for those of us that aren’t tech savvy!

Option #1: If you have a PC or a Mac OSx Mojave (10.14 and older)

How to prep and record:

  • Download the free software “Audacity”. Click HERE for the PC version. Click HERE for the Mac version.
  • Once downloaded, click on the installer. Ex: On a Mac, the file name will be “Audacity 2.3.0.dmg”
  • Open Audacity
  • Next to the microphone icon (under the big red circle which would start the recording), choose your own external microphone
  • Click on the red circle to start recording

How to export your audio file:

  • Once the interview has ended, click on “Stop” — the black square — to stop the recording
  • In the top menu, select “File”, then “Export”
  • Click on “Export as WAV”. Under “File type, select “WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCM”
  • Click on “Save”. Save it on your computer’s Desktop or somewhere you’ll remember

How to send your audio file:

Option #2: If you have Mac OSx Catalina (10.15 and beyond)

Follow the steps above, using the free software “Garage Band” which can be downloaded for free from the app store HERE.

How to export your audio file:

  • Once the interview has ended, click on “Stop” — the white square — to stop the recording
  • In the top menu, select “Share”, then “Export Song to Disk”
  • Click the “WAVE” radio button. Under “Quality, select “Uncompressed 16-bit (CD Quality)”
  • Click on “Export”. Save it on your computer’s Desktop or somewhere you’ll remember

How to send your audio file:

3- Preparing To Record Your Video:

  • Checking your lighting: lighting makes a big difference in the quality of a video, so please take a moment to test your lighting prior to the interview.
  • If possible, try to clean up the background that will be behind you for the interview, as this makes for a more professional and less distracting experience for the viewers.

4- A Few More Tips For The Recording!

  • Record in a quiet room, ideally one with carpet and closed windows
  • Turn fans off and any other noise-making machines
  • Let anyone else in the immediate environment know that you are recording a podcast episode, so they do not disturb you
  • Restart your computer and be sure your browser is updated to the latest version before the recording
  • Set your computer and other devices – phones, ipads, Alexa and Google Voice devices – to “do not disturb”
  • Shut down all unnecessary programs on your computer for the duration of the recording
  • For the best connection (and no EMF radiation!), plug into hard-wired ethernet connection for internet if available and disable WiFi on your computer
  • Keep your mic 4-10 inches away during the entire recording, and use a pop filter if you have one. (You probably won’t have one of these if your mic is part of your headset.
  • Please wear headphones or earbuds to reduce feedback
  • Check your sound settings – you may need to increase your input volume level once we get online and test the sound
  • The podcast will be lightly edited, so if you do need a break, please just let Nick know during the conversation